Christine Q.

i hate when a story has a sad ending

seriously. fuck that kid, fuck the rnc, fuck the fact that it’s happening an hour away from my house, a fact that just causes me undue irritation.

Weird how disappointing taco bell’s been for me lately, hopefully you have a decent one to go to

Weirdly, my hunger’s changed. I used to eat an obscene amount, now it’s slowed to one small meal, one slightly bigger meal and maybe a small snack now and again. handful of chips or nuts, etc. But, footnote, that sandwich looks gross. 

I’m glad you’re willing to get violent over having to wait an extra two and a half minutes over a shitty chicken sandwiched peddled by crazy religious trump-funding fuckwits.

Yeah but it comes off as tired and hacky when it’s the extreme opposite. This is “lol, I’m soo random” humor not... humor-humor.

I’m glad the one guy who has nothing relevant to counter with is there to question how fun I am at parties showed up to ‘own’ me. 

I mean, coming from a company run by a peach like randy pitchford, i shouldn’t be surprised.

ugh, keeping track of meds sucks. “did i take my night dose? the doctor said it was fine if i missed a dose every now and again but... damn it fine, i’ll take it again.

fantastic fustercluck? I mean, borderlands was always kind of immature, but ugh.


Cool. another model everybody has to buy from scalpers. bastards.

peaches aren’t salmon.

he could be bobby kotick

It should’ve ended with aizen. 

can’t wait for that thing to trip on the carpet, sending hot soup flying everywhere


Y’all motherfuckers need Shin.

*gently smacks your face*

*watches the trailer with a few laughs*