Christine Q.

I’m sorry, were you expecting logic from a bunch of goddamn white maniacs?

I read this and I uncharacteristically skipped the entire article to say I’ve never been so angry at a random thought in my entire life.

*laughs hard*

Yikes. the comments. yes, they’re dumb. yes, they’ll probably get some form of comeuppance, and they’re pissing money away fast, but christ, they are dumb, white boys. they’ll be just as bad off as the rest of us soon enough.

Hon, if you have the little caesar’s app I think you have to reconsider some life choices.

in court on friday, jailed on monday, found dead by *ahem* ‘suicide’ on tuesday.

it astonishes me that people still collect dvd/blu-rays these days.

I’d take an amnesiac over a fat racist who lords his ill-gotten gains and bad faith argument who has cheeseburgers in his sweat and the panty fibers of pre-teen girls under his fingernails.

The best reese’s cup shape is the egg. Also, blue lives don’t matter at all, ever.

Cool, can’t wait to see how they fuck this up.

no one seems to remember how this went the last time. just leave it. give a small creator a chance rather than try and coast on something for a couple of seasons to middling ratings.

“If you’ve recently purchased Fallout 76

Jesus Christ, hollowman. “I’m going to use my invisibility power to rape this woman”. fuck.

No, I need at least 6.

If I didn’t know better I’d think this comment was sarcastic.

Abby, ironically.

She had Joel, a surrogate father who literally sacrificed the world for her

Can we just talk about how truly godawful a person Ellie ended up being? 

I mean, as long as I can still find it on my grey-area streaming site, i don’t care :x

I must be getting old.