Christine Q.

I’m piecing my life back together, which is like... a 10,000 piece puzzle. except people can just... walk by and smash the puzzle and steal pieces. But I bought a new dress off amazon, so there’s that

Surprising how he one-upped pewdiepie’s shittiness by doing that.

better late than never.

too late, fuck you.

I think general outside influences are ruining my enjoyment of tlou 2. yes, it’s not the game everybody wanted, but i’m tired of hard-right “gamers” complaining about lgbt inclusion, i’m really annoyed by jim sterling’s impressions video (yes, crunch is very bad, i’m not arguing that but he seems to be outwardly

Oh, well that’s better.

No rainbow capitalism you fucking shills.

No rainbow capitalism you fucking shills.

I’m kind of glad I didn’t buy this after learning about it. It just doesn’t seem like $30 in content after a $60 game that wasn’t....super worth the price of admission.

Honestly, I would’ve been okay with a completely different lineup. The Avengers have had so many different lineups in general, there’s almost no excuse other than cashing in on mcu feels

Considering mcdonald’s main customer base are people who are so set in their ways that they won’t expand out of the same combo order they’ve had for the last 20 years, I’m not shocked. Mcdonalds is the most milquetoast fast food option.

Now if there was a way to make it without making your house stink like wet farts

I certainly fucking hope so.

Ugh, the guy looks like a creep.

what the hell

That’s a very good question. 

I mean, a game like CAH, of course someone was going to take it too far.

I have to say I’m pretty sick of white conservatives creating boogeymen for people to fear. My mom was talking about how a certain location was primarily Muslim and how incredible it was and that I should watch out. I’m sick of people demonizing other people, I’m sick of a shitbag president doing it, and I want

I get really angry whenever I hear tracy morgan refer to trans people as “freaky deakies”. ugh.

Was that Anita as in Anita Sarkeesian?