Christine Q.

i would not pay one dollar towards a borderlands game as long as randy pitchford was even getting to sniff that dollar.

with an attitude like that I wonder why.

what did the honey trees do to you

Look., sometimes you have to stop and smell the canines.

Nothing about Tony McDade though, huh? cool.

god, what’s been re-released more at this point, skyrim or bioshock

well, at least she can have a chance to see pitchfork’s magical squirt porn before he embezzles money from this project too.

i kfc what you mean

you sure you don’t want to taco bout it?


you...can’t keep making good points with this name. 

because we couldn’t have it, much like haircuts and golf. 

God, the most frustrating part of my life isn’t the unemployment, or the two idiotic rapists having a country-wide slapfight to see who comes out on top for the presidency, it’s these two bastard raccoons who keep fucking me on turnip prices >:C 62!? are you kidding me?!

I understand where he’s coming from, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... this might’ve killed his career. 

it’ll be cool when all these republicans heads are on pikes. just for funsies, let’s put biden’s and kombucha’s (whatever the fuck her name is) heads up there too.

God I feel like such a baby trans at 20 months.

And he can die mad about it. Fat fucking fraud.

“Well deserved on Sonic’s Part

If there’s one thing that should die after all this, it’s friends.