Christine Q.

It’s funny considering the fact that you can literally use the N-word several times in a diatribe but mention white people at all and you get struck down within 20 minutes.

Boy I certainly hope randy pitchford doesn’t get his sweaty, cloying hands in this at all.

I recommend Lemon Berry Pie”

it totally does say mom though.

*Looks at this setup*

I’m not making fun of her, because, well, men kinda suck but her tigers be like:

and some people need to get out of the public eye.

god, i hope there’s an appropriate order to that.

Shut up, pigs.

“soft taco lovers are on the wrong side of history

I’m not going to apologize for trying to get someone who’s not someone who’s an unabashed creepy predator or general bag of stale dogshit or both in office.

y e p.

Uh no, the guy’s a total piece of shit, and profiteered off an idiotic president and the wellbeing of an entire state, fuck him, the horse he rode in on, and anyone who’s ever cared about him.

we’re actually just turning the corner of “People who are underpaid but intelligent rise up and mass murder those who are dumb and in positions of power”, so you won’t have to worry.

No snark implied

It’s like seeing a badger out in the wild. At first it’s like, aww, it’s kinda cute, followed by screaming and death

The routine goes

I know he’s doing it for schtick, but fuck if this isn’t a commentary.

Honestly kind of amazing that he’s going to be the first president to be impeached, go on to sit on vital information about a potential pandemic, call it a hoax, go golfing several times and finally declare a state of emergency, rack up a death count in the dozens of thousands while he fiddled his fucking thumbs,

I mean, it beats trump propaganda by a wide margin.