Christine Q.

Y’know, I’ve been reading penny arcade sparingly for 20 years (though i did like it originally) and I can just say.... maybe stop making penny arcade

I’m so sorry that a character has a phobia that pisses you off.

They ran out of red, yellow and gray dyes.

That’s a valid question. Another valid question is who’s enough of a nerd to wear a pendant that looks like it could set off a seizure

The Same People Who Peddle Climate Denial Are Behind Coronavirus Pseudoscience

Well i hope those leopards don’t eat your face too fast.

You know what, if anything, I hope this shows the voters who not to re-elect. 

“To be honest with you, I only feel the need to protect the girls from heartbreak

today on “leopards ate my face

that is...shockingly accurate to what’s actually going to happen

Off topic but i just had a thought. has there ever been a person of color on fox news, ever?

goddamn it rule 34.

fucking nimrod sees that the end is coming one way or another so he’s doing as much bootlicking to the braindead nazis, white nationalists and southerners to garner their favor in november.

i’m pretty sure the national embarrassment wiped himself with the constitution on his third day in office.

slogging through the first few slow days of animal crossing, waiting for the good part. I realized that purchasing mario maker 2 might’ve been an error.

that is dogcopter

I like how in an age of literal nazis, pedophiles, flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, pro-lifers and conservatives on the internet you’re worried about amazon reviews. 

Wow, double xp has the most explicitly anatomically correct drawing of a human asshole that i’ve ever seen. they must have a background in proctology.

I didn’t want to damn it.

Also amazon didn’t like my review either