Christine Q.

With my newfound freetime I keep watching news-related things because I have nothing else and I’ve come to a dark conclusion; donald ‘dickbag special big-boy’ trump is going to bury us all alive. either by outright killing us with stupidity, or by using this to form a coup with his legions of dumb white nationalists

You’re allowed to have your opinion, even if it is incredibly wrong.

I feel like someone could do well to do better black cherry stuff >:c

He’s probably never repeatedly gotten ‘caught’ jerking off in front of women before.

I think i’d rather have the coronavirus.

what do they taste like

I’m a tangerine red bull girl, but I’ll admit to wanting to try the unicorn flavor.

or at the very least, not like full volume.

There’s a lot of low cards in that hand.

Well it is an uncommon.

And the world let out a resounding..... K.

Not sure who I trust less, pitchford or zelneck. yuck. 

Mood. This genuinely sucks.

Well, i mean he can’t rape it, and he can’t make any ill gotten money out of it so of course he’s not interested.

I’m sorry but all of the story beats in skywalker were ridiculous. this is almost normal by comparison.

On the Trans Day of Visibility of all days. You fucking fucker. Die in a fire.

It’s the first step I’ve seen sega do since allowing them to do a sonic movie, and then before that, they announced bayonetta 2, kinda? It’s been awhile since we’ve seen sega do much of anything.

More like put shenmue 3 in the trash.

Oh thank god.