Christine Q.


glad to know among the unavailability for paid sick leave for their employees they’re going to expose their goddamn underpaid workers to a plethora of idiots who probably are carrying covid-19 for a free taco each. 

After running out of new shows and movies to watch, I started drawing again!

eff that, I was watching a let’s play of the demo and when Nemesis is charging like ‘all aboard the pain train’ i’m like oh my fucking god and i wasn’t even playing

It’s cute you say that like this isn’t going on for fast food franchises, amazon warehouses, and normally everywhere. The system is fucked all around.

Oh my god i’m so sorry. The last movie I saw in theatres was Birds of Prey and yeah people can levy complaints about it but I liked that movie a lot

It was a great show, though despite feeling like change your mind was rushed, it feels like the writing in future was fatigued, I’m glad Sugar’s done with these characters for now.

Can we actually go one step further to a general statement of “Shut the fuck up, Brands”? Because I don’t want to hear how much these businesses and corporations “Care” and give us all these cookie cutter tips about covid-19 and end with the fact that they deliver, or that they’ll always be there, eff you people.

I don’t even know what vsco stands for. god i’m old.

god i want someone to punch him. I want someone to punch him in his stupid face. 

I mean, christ, march of the pigs might be the anthem of today.

Great. the aussies get to hole up on an island with the world’s cutest animal and i’m stuck here listening to an orange asshole bluster that he won against the virus.

and we’re all convinced you’re drinking those things for the taste.

It’s okay, we’re about 10 minutes from busting down his door and eating him alive.

I feel awful for her.

I would pay for a black widow movie without scarlett johansson. I will not for one with. Fucking terf.

Well, Not Always.

So, my apartment complex sucks. Like two years or so ago they changed the washers and dryers from taking quarters to using a card system. Now that there’s a pandemic, they’ve locked the doors to the room with the ONE RELOAD STATION for the entire complex. So I can’t do laundry. 

We got some bleach. It was 2011, and now it’s kinda cringe.

yikes. that was not a good arc to end on.