Christine Q.


I’ve fallen in heels, it hurts like hell, so i feel bad for the person.

“2 weeks won’t be enough

*violently smacks you*

It’s still ethical to steal from gamestop without harming associates.

don’t praise gamestop. don’t you dare.

I feel like there’s something to be said about cheese on a fish sandwich, and it’s more or less a string of expletives. 

Fuck, Marry, Kill

It’s officially ethical to steal from gamestop as long as you don’t harm the employees.

Honestly, I don’t see the rock doing shakespeare. He’s seemingly nice and he’s in bodybuilder shape. He’s basically the new Arnold Schwarzenegger, who gets cast into a bunch of meathead roles where he’s not really acting at all, ever. And that’s fine, people will throw money at him until they don’t, and then he kind

This is the worst time for the pandemic to hit as it gave my abusive mother reason to stay after saying she’d leave after a particularly violent episode forced me to finally tell her to get out. 

No seriously, What the fuck?

I don’t know, but I seriously want jr to get eaten alive by a crocodile.

Yeah but they weren’t a country full of misguided white cis men who went “(Minority) are taking our jobs!” instead of, y’know, seeing that their corporate overlords are to blame and should be subsequently doxxed, dragged out into the street and ripped apart by wild animals, lest they forget what happens.

I mean, if you’re straight up comparing the roman empire to the us...

I feel like this is the last article anyone’s going to write about marco rubio ever.

I’d say let’s just start punching joe biden and orange joe in the face. as a country. as a treat.

Responding with that fact feels kinda creepy jsyk.
