Christine Q.

Oh my god, I can’t believe that trans people have to seriously deal with this assholes. You don’t get it because you’re not trans. You’re a fucking white cis-male. you have 0 understanding of this, and I doubt you actually care. Your actions, along with your ILK, will actively harm people by denying them the benefit


Are these supposed to be swim shoes? Because I can buy swim shoes. Like a person. for like $20. whenever I want. Without dealing with shitty video games and loopholes and Why, Why are y’all falling for this? FOMO is stupid.

As a kid, I liked wrestling. Now, I just see a bunch of aging people without benefits constantly dying in sad states because vince mcmahon is the wrestling equivalent of jeff bezos. a rich white man who will literally laugh and kick up his heels on a pile of human corpses, lighting a cigar with a hundred dollar bill. 

I feel like this applies to many kids and wrestlers

The real icing on the cake here is they created the account just to post on this specific article.

The real icing on the cake here is they created the account just to post on this specific article.

I didn’t notice cecilia, i guess splitscreen will mean tim rogers is leaving too?

I’ll say that the gender spectrum can be a little confusing at times, it’s possible that they just haven’t figured themselves out, or learned the terms quite yet. the pronouns just being a shorthand of their name is nothing new to me as i’ve known a person who was NB and wasn’t happy with the regular selection. the

besides gita and joshua?

I wouldn’t know about it, i’m certainly not condoning that by a damn sight, but I know some folks like to throw accusations to communities they don’t understand so i’ll take it all with a grain of salt.

As demonized as they are, furries are decent people for the most part.

Now playing

you can’t forget this monstrosity where they tried turning a dog whistle into a musical instrument.

After watching the finale of SU, enjoying the movie (to a degree, I wasn’t thrilled with steg or rehashing the cg’s backstories) I get the SUF’s supposed to be the victory lap of a show that outlasted all the corporate meddling, leaks, and just, simple backlash for the show’s themes. And the original show had me

Transgender hormone replacement therapy says hi.

that picture of kushner.

Leave Avery alone, I’m getting serious enby vibes off of them.

I mean, I’m okay with this if you’re saying what i think you’re saying.

I would imagine so, unless that’s part of the artist’s rendition and she’s breaking up with elon.