Christine Q.

You know, I think I could’ve gone my whole lifetime without having to just read that question or even think about the emperor having sex at all and been so much better for it.

p l e a s e.

Vaguely? Not really? are you out of your entire ass?

i hope it’s not true. I’m tired of this nonstop horseshit.

he’s a transphobic asshole.

Ugh, how does fucking ricky gervais keep getting work?

i thought you were a blastoise.

Here’s a depressing fact for you. Most of us are the human equivalent of qwilfish. 

it is.

I love that you threw that in there.

we do, and three of them are fantastic.


To be fair, when’s the last time you heard anyone say anything good about an x-men movie?

Wait, they can do that?

Fuck apple.

I loved the inclusion of a non-binary character

Assholes paid premium cable prices their entire adult lives. You really don’t realize how bad it got.

Anyone who claims to be a superman fan isn’t a fan of comics at all.

I mean, Jason if you’re just going to go out and say it.  Maybe one of us wanted to bitch about how much of a joke kinja and G/O media is.