Christine Q.

oh my god, yes. I remember the awful names for them like ‘move fun

I’m still salty on how these so-called ‘people’ treated kelly marie tran, especially over a fucking movie. 

Can we compromise and watch his whole head fall off?

I made the argument that this movie was just a giant middle finger to the fans, and the fans rebutted that it was all fanservice, which, exactly my point. if you give the fans everything that fans liked spaced out over x movies within the timespan of 2 1/2 hours it’s literally, “this is what you wanted, right!?

I’m fucking absolutely done with the fuckawful healthcare in this country.

I’m okay with this being a giant middle finger to the fans who’ve acted so obnoxiously in the past.

I hate this so much. Because of thoughts like these, It feels like we’ll never be taken seriously by the public. I can’t even get a job because i’m trans. My comfort in my body skyrocketed, while my standing in the world bottomed out, All because I am trying to rectify a mistake that I’ve had since birth. My

y i k e s.

are you fucking shitting me?

and here I thought they peaked with all the shitty gaming and anime shoes they made.

It bothers me because any schmuck with a few sharpies can do this design. and as for the interior, who looks at the interior of a shoe

I hope i’m not being forward when I say This fucker needs to literally be skinned alive on like youtube to prevent any potential rapist scumbag assholes from doing anything to women, ever.

I swear to god if these shoes are more than 50 dollars someone needs to get punched in the stomach.

what the fuck

that cake makes my brain hurt

To be fair, geoff keighley always struck me as an insufferable asshole and probably deserves as much frustration as possible.

It’s a simulation of what it’s like to live with ptsd and mental illness you ass.

There is literally not enough bile on earth to projectile vomit out at this thought.

nobody hurt him, he’s got a huge sense of entitlement over game modes he doesn’t have to play and games he doesn’t have to buy.