Christine Q.

me at yesterday’s newMe today:

doesn’t hurt that he deserves every bit of it.

I mean, have you seen Ivanka’s set of dipshit facial expressions?

I simultaneously can and can’t believe that someone’s whipped out a gun over a chicken sandwich this year. and of course it happened in texas. Assholes.

I mean, let’s face it, I find it doubtful that anyone with a tenth of a brain would fuck donald trump for any amount of money so maybe he doesn’t have any biological kids at all.

it’s almost as if an unscrupulous asshole has unscrupulous assholes working for him

yeah well.... fuck ted cruz and his sad face.

It’s because wendy’s is actually one of the lowest paying food service jobs you can get. I did a stint in 2014 because I was hard up, and I was making a whopping $7.40 (a whole dime more than my coworkers because of past experience

Oh you can just go ahead and kiss the fattest part of my ass.

how everyone reacts to bethesda these days.

you shut up

Must be hard being someone who hasn’t been relevant since the 90s and yet is still worth enough money to fix several third world nations.

Quiet, Nerd.

I’m futzing around with dragonball fighterZ

Out of the greys with you

Never claimed this country to be smart

Our priorities in 2019.

That’s a pretty fucked way of thinking considering he’s 19, doesn’t know any goddamn better considering he and everyone that age is being bombarded by advertising for the latest salty snack food and highly caffeinated energy drink. Just because you didn’t fall into the trap or don’t come from a similar mindset doesn’t

for $100,000 maybe. They can’t Give the ketchup away.

Fixed that for you.