Christine Q.


No, kill them, and the judge too. 

The problem with the argument for higher wages in food service is they will always, always ask for much more than you’re worth. My last food service job was 5 years ago when I was absolutely strapped. I made $7.40 an hour (a whole dime more than my coworkers due to prior experience) but was tasked with putting away 2

Sure, I’ll trade you for these magic beans.

To be fair, Fuck joe biden.

And yet, here we are, having read an article about him

Yeah. As masturbatory fodder. But hell, that’s true of trans women as well, so I don’t know what the fuck is going on in their small minds.

Well, either that or a free-thinking *gasp* Socialist.


Fuck you, you fat old rapist. How dare you open your big sallow mouth about this. But then again, why should I be surprised considering all the crazy shit that comes out of your mouth. Choke on a brick.

Better than what they think of trans folx.

I did food service for awhile in my 20s, and yeah this is bullshit, and they deserved getting fired, but it’s a high-stress, low-paying job. getting yelled at every time you have a problem at the window sucks 

In other news, Americans on the whole, are assholes.

Wasn’t she one of the people who was basically bleeding him dry til the day he died?

So, I guess steven universe characters aren’t gonna work

You mean eighter?

That was Goku's whole thing though. Just a meathead who did a lot of fighting because he likes it

I think they went the route of exclusive walled-garden style online articles rather than print.