Christine Q.

Don’t apologize. you do you. 

I don’t want mike pence taking his seat either.

Gee, what wins out? a shitty chicken joint or 6 dead trans women of color in a month? Fuck texas, and fuck chick fil a and fuck you too if you support either of them.

Mighty no. 9.

i can’t breathe.



have you called the cops anything derogatory?

Oh don’t be mean.

That monkey’s paw quip might be truer than you think. Booming hype at announce, massive kickstarter backing, several delays amongst radio silence and deep silver’s involvement... feels a *lot* like might no. 9.

I just want to punch him in the mouth repeatedly until it resembles ground beef.

Can we go ahead and just permanently duct tape that orange shitbag’s mouth closed and kick him off twitter? As a trans woman, there is nothing, No-Thing more offensive to me than watch him and his gang of cronies tear my people’s fucking natural rights asunder with one hand and try and pander to us with the other.

So kindergarten cop combined with my hero academia.

Well, men should learn to stop being shitheads. That's the lesson and it's easy. Don't be an asshole.

Fucking chickenshit cowardly men. fuck you people.

Sup-paws they do.

Honestly my brain had to re re re read "fuck the come on guys"

I knew this was going to suck as soon as they brought out Andrew W.K.

At this point i’m just like ‘eff it, the show’s the real ending, idgaf

seriously, I giggled out loud at the phrase “fucking dweebs

this is the only acceptable answer.