Christine Q.

I’m just waiting for the revelation that he took candy from a baby and flipped off a box of kittens

God, I’m looking at these dates and I realize that they’ve planned into my early 40s. christ.

who the hell steals 40 cakes

Hhhhhhow is it that you’re so fucked that you can’t even deny these things, instead trying to put a positive spin on it

Do yourself a favor and the next time do some effing research about transitioning before you open your mouth, terf.

In a perfect world, WB entertainment would see this, patch her voice acting out of the game and boot her in the ass for good measure.

Well then you’re not AlwaysWrong are you?

You really know nothing about the hazards of being trans, even in today’s world. 

Can we get that guy who beats sex offenders with hammers to kill these two?

Ain’t no kill like overkill.

It’s a reminder of just how paltry their library really was this generation, It’s like, Even the wii-u had some stuff to play.

“bigger and bigger titles.” such as Resident Evil 5. And Monster hunter world. Neat. Oh, Crackdown 3. They have the equivalent of netflix-streaming in 2008. They’re effed.

God, Microsoft’s got its work cut out for it if it wants to stay relevant in console gaming.

“We’re proud of our colleagues for standing up for what they believe in. We always want Rioters to have the opportunity to be heard" eff you misogynistic shitheels.

That moment where all the women of the mcu was probably the greatest triumph moment in quite a long time.

*siiiiiigh* white men.

you know what? no. Palpatine wasn’t even mentioned in this trilogy damn it. It’s a shoehorn to try and qualm the last jedi outrage.


Dont read the comments....

So who’s forcing you to watch it?