Christine Q.

Fuck. This is like playing wack-a-mole.

God, I never realized how many low cards are in that hand.

EA’s reaction

This just makes me like Chris Pratt less. like, a lot less. 

Except for the fact that it probably blares tinny music through those speakers.

Basically, he looks like a discount deadmau5

I was going to suggest that people spending top dollar for bigot-y cookies could make them themselves but i doubt they’re able work an oven without causing a fire.

As a trans girl, I loved this episode, and I have Change your mind as my ringtone now. God, this show.

There’s a season 6 in the works, this was created way back when we were still in seasons 3-4 and the fate of the show was up in the air. Sugar said that she had an ending all planned out, and this was basically the grand clean-up of most of the major plot points. Though there is some debate on what the show’s going to

I love everything about this story. We need as much help as we can get as a community

I can say this. Anything with Melissa McCarthy in it deserves to fail. It’s criminal how she’s making plus sized women into more of a joke.

I’m sorry but doxxing just invites heavy handed responses directly. I don’t condone what the little jerk did but don’t be that person.

Freaking incels.

“If it’s American I like it. It’s all American stuff,” Trump says, of table piled with burgers from McD’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King. Another held Domino’s and fries, per pool.

I think Animal crossing is really one of the only reasons i’m holding onto my switch these days.

Jeez Heather. I don't know how you _can't_ be my favorite Kotaku writer now

Probably, but then again unless you try and sell it, it’s almost an unenforceable law.