Christine Q.

Nintendo is officially no fun.

Awww Heather that was lovely. I just told my long-standing internet friend that i’d be taking her name as my middle just because we’re so close

The whole thing is just a heavy-handed retcon because the outspoken majority of comic book nerds who cry “they’re making characters gay to be P.C.!” nonsense. 

yeah but we have transphobia and an asshole-flavored walking creamsicle in office. wait. crap.

Thats a fair point, but most online specific games tend to be better as open rather than closed to a few people in a group. And really, you never really know if someone in said group has some stigma based on who you are or what you’re about. But as for me and online gaming I’m just done. I was done when it was 10 year

One thing you have to note about the trans community is we get crapped on from all angles including the government. Trying to escape from it with something that's supposed to be fun yet is made inherently unfun due to some mouth breather just makes me and others not want to bother.

I love that celeste was your top pick.  

You know, it’s hard enough being trans without some jerk shooting their idiotic mouth off. It’s something that really makes online gaming impossible for a girl like me, and really just turns me off gaming as a whole, which is a shame considering i’ve been gaming all my life.

You can do a lot considering the guardians had members drop in and out in the comics. For example instead of the original five you can have star Lord, groot, rocket, mantis and Thor since it's up in the air whether or not Bautista is leaving or not and well if you wanted to make the gamora thing permanent

Can anyone confirm or deny that transgender women like myself are able to squirt?

I loved this.

Yeah, earn that paycheck Luke.

like sexual frustration, expired spray-on tan and dirty feet.

It’s pretty scary given that they’re acting like his channel will end if he goes to 2nd place.

Too much bk is why you're so easily winded.

Ugh, another Sherlock Holmes show/movie? Jfc.

Oh my God this. Also, still can't watch end of evangelion at all ever. Screws with my head in the worst ways


earn that paycheck luke.

*sigh* earn that paycheck, luke.