Christine Q.

IT IS, and it makes my heart happy that celeste got a nod at all. really great game.

Way to boiling down an article that was sweet and heartfelt to a sex joke. Creep.

Earn that paycheck Luke.

How do you know about kojima's privates

you know what? this might be the best thing to come from a pun ever.

Well, we can’t all make a paycheck talking about shoes on a gaming site.

Its not 1997. Free porn is plentiful. 

I wonder where they came up with that idea....

god I cried at episode 7.

seriously, mallo cups are the terrible redheaded cousin of peanut butter cups.

seriously, mallo cups are the terrible redheaded cousin of peanut butter cups.

cosplayers would make or commission such items. 

but no, i love you.


Harvey’s civvy is my favorite episode of the series.

Bullshit, you people were acting like a bunch of babies over a tv show.

Well. I just got even gayer. 

I swear to god i thought that was ashton kutcher.

and yet still cleaner than 99.9% of all magic players.

hating on it would imply some sort of malice. just a little bland and generic tbh

20 years of equipment and he chooses bonesplitter?