Christine Q.



just like the witcher 3.

I still think i’m on lsd in 2008 every time i hear “president donald trump

It seems to just be the curse of the watchowskis. they always start out with spectacular stuff that kind of.... fizzles out into just okay territory. I looooooved the first season of sense8 but.... it really, really dropped off quality wise, unfortunately.

you’re trying to have fun, not die.

was anybody really champing at the bit for a bumblebee movie? Hell, even aquaman’s an uphill battle.

No, it’s really disjointed, and while she does a good job singing along it’s still got a lot of edge

Yeah I’ve made comparable items in terms of difficulty and have literally never spent more than 20 bucks for a prop. 

and another pair of shitty shoes that make me want to stare at the sun despite my animal instincts. 

you can find real swords that are of actual decent quality for around 100. cosplayers that are worth their salt could make something like this in spare time for a fraction of the price. 

Everybody right now

The only thing that magic players have in common with athletes is how much they sweat. 

I’d dig a Scarlet witch and vision show. or movie. 

I mean let’s face it, eminem was never in the business of being mature. he says incendiary shit, the general populace slap their fins together. 

when were they good?

it was a good system, but shenmue did not age as well as i’d hoped. serious concerns for 3 now.

You know, it’s a testament to kanye west and adidas’ insanity that these butt-ugly shoes exist. I almost want to stop coming here to avoid luke’s coverage of these “shoes” 

I ain’t even sorry.

His use of homophobic slurs hasn’t ceased through his career and I don’t think it’s gonna change up to the day he dies.