Christine Q.

god thank you for the shenmue love


ugh, the worst part about the re-release is the revival of the stupid sailor meme.

I remember working at taco bell and they wanted a “shitload of sauce “ and we had these weird open mouthed shelves for sauce so i literally in front of them slammed my hand into the shelf, breaking it and dumping an absolutely obscene amount in the bag. they were very amused.

Persian Nights: Sands of Wonder

as you should

i’m listening

they were busy pumping their game with microtransactions and filing spurious lawsuits.

Oh my god.

Fuck, Renton’s detoxing again.

why do you say that? that’s technically food.

What a millenial answer.

well gamercat is usually good so... never here.

you know what? as much as I hate disney, fuck comcast. fuck them anally with a broken wine bottle.


shame on you for trying to shame me for trying to stem the downfall of the written word back to a shitty version ancient hieroglyphics.

Okay the next paid writer to use an emoji in a title is getting fucking smacked.

I mean let’s face it, if you made something as fucked up as NGE you’d want to kinda keep it a secret too. 

utter crap.