Christine Q.

I’m starting to think that people are seeing old simpsons episodes and thinking their satire is a serious idea.

god i get such a mn9/yooka-laylee feel from shenmue 3. 

The wii u didn’t really have the portability factor, a control scheme that literally splits to allow out of the box multiplayer capabilities with no additional purchase, an app store worth a damn, quality online games or any sort of decent marketing. 

A lot of these aren’t vacation episodes. :T

point being it’s one of the typical open-world games. now this’ll really piss some folk off, but it reminds me a whole lot of ubisoft’s formula. radio towers and all.

they don’t. that’s what allowed them to make the switch itself, make weirdo games like star fox zero, and toy type things like labo. I honestly think they made breath of the wild to show that they too can make shameless ripoffs of the witcher 3/skyrim too.

After going to a few cons I can pretty much say that you kind of avoid that whole area for anything that’s not con-exclusive or more than like 10 bucks. Except maybe the artists, but that’s moderately different that say the people selling grab-bags or mystery boxes. I’ve seen a few opened and you can kind of see the

I disagree. I think that they kinda phoned it in for the major franchises. It irritates me to the point that I would’ve preferred them not announcing TES 6 rather than what they did. And fallout 76 just bothers me on principal because it’s going to be a “same but different, but still same” deal ala it’s an online

it’s a little weird that he didn’t change the woman crying over a miscarriage right? now it looks like the aftermath of a bill cosby visit.

They really need to end the show at the ninth season. something like carol and daryl being the only survivors left. sort of do a time skip where the zombie population dies off to decay, the world goes primeval, carol’s dying of old age, and daryl’s taking care of her during her final days, and then remembers that,

It’s skyrim.

Personally, my argument it’s one of those games that just make games as a whole look worse. One of those examples that would be used in a fox-news style slander campaign, though, to its credit, it’s not like you can show 90% of footage of this game.

No, the safe bet would be more skyrim.

I remember having arguments about games like these with a skeevy coworker who argued how important it was for games like this to exist. eight years later my opinion hasn’t changed.

Same here. Its as if a group of teenage boys were hired to make a god of war ripoff. oh wait, EA. right.

Doin’ the lord’s work james.

neat but i dunno how much i trust it to carry switch games (though i don’t have any physical ones anyway...)

i remember being like 8 and one of my friends literally had 10 foot soldiers. and i was jealous of it. 10 of the same damn figure. that kid had both vision and rich and stupid parents.

Let’s face it, the entire tmnt line was pretty shameless. 4 figures that were essentially the same, and yet kids had to have all of them

hiding in plain sight, sir.