Christine Q.

and then the end of the episode where he’s both relieved that he can sleep and anxious that he’s no longer pulling in the extra money but falls asleep anyway


All things considered, it wasn’t that bad.

Pretttttty sure Sugar said it wasn’t the ending of the show.

My god, Tom Holland does a fucking amazing spider-man, but he really sells the whole “He’s still a kid” thing. I wouldn’t have guessed I’d be hit so hard by it again after Homecoming, but goddamn it, I had tears streaming down my face as this poor kid who wanted so bad to be a hero fall to pieces. What the hell is it

My point being, that despite people working their asses off, doesn’t necessarily mean that it will necessarily be good. And often times, a boss like Cage will ruin morale, leading to a shoddy product.

For some of us, Mike is kotaku.

I mean that statement can apply to everything from battlefront II to mass effect andromeda. Every triple-A game has dozens to hundreds of people working their asses off for it.

I think Quantic Dream peaked with Heavy Rain. Between the cringey controversy surrounding cage and associates, the it writes itself “Robot racism parallels real life racism” storyline, I just don’t fucking care.

Came here for this reference.

So far, it’s one of my games of the year.

I wouldn’t know, but i’d imagine her nose doesn’t smell.

The reason it’s taken 21 years for a woman to make a pro tour is because the stench of magic players is unholy. You may think it’s a joke, or a stereotype, but no, a majority of magic players on the whole don’t bathe for days.

because so many completely white people walk around with the last name “Hernandez”. Fuck you.

Money is.

fuck, i gotta start buying nes carts.

No mention of the scene where the furry blows the old man? Guess that’s a norm for some these days.

Personally, I worked at a taco bell for a stint in my early 20s, and yeah, night shift is kinda nuts. Constant drugs and alcoholism, including a night where a manager with dwarfism conceived a child with a puerto rican dishwasher less than 10 feet from the line. (no shit)

it’s okay. certainly not the second coming of gaming many touted it to be however.

uh, amazon?