Christine Q.

plus the smash logo doesn’t match any of the proceeding titles, and the actual stylized text is different too. and it’s been awhile since smash 4, so there’s that.

I’d dig an hd rerelease of melee. but mario tennis being the marquee title in the teaser doesn’t give me much hope

you wish.

Unreleased film of Mario plumbing. it goes without saying you probably shouldn’t shake his hand.

nice masturbatory kotaku team name. a better one would be the kotaku “writers”

you’re missing the part where breath of the wild was a disappointment.

glad to know this site’s doing the gamespot slideshow with ads things now. ugh.

i gathered that much.

hahahaha... nerfnow is about competitive gaming. did you get that? how it beat you over the head with it? YOU GOT IT RIGHT!? RIGHT!? THEY’RE SO FUNNY

congrats. you get to choose between two equally fragrant bowls of shit.

You could’ve just put a wig on steve buscemi and gotten the same effect.

except it didn’t. it was a time sink. it was a rambling, aimless varient of the zeldas, where as horizon was at least fun to play.

“Luigi grade cereal”

That fucking guy. Like a whole, whole lot of this falls on his fucking shoulders and his inability to keep his fucking mouth shut

well, it’s certainly “better than nothing”

It’s almost as if Capcom waited for the “creator” of MegaMan to shit the bed, then swooped in to save the day

ugh. terrible.
