Christine Q.

Get the fuck out of here, but know i love you.

Shut the fuck up.

you’re waaaay too rational for this site. starred.

I might be intrigued if i didn’t find pop figures to be fucking ugly.

who didn’t see this coming from the logo?

Way to simultaneously shitpost about some jerk who opened his mouth at debate that inevitably won’t matter, and attempt to open up a 4 year old wound and package it under such a clickbait-y title. Very thorough.

I knew it.

Yeah, use it to beat the assholes to death who approved the netflix series. Goddamn, I don’t even need to watch it to know that thing’s gonna be a hell of a miss.

Amazing how little this list changed in almost 2 years.

it only works if he plays the bad jingle and goes, “here, asshole. one lone mr. saturn.”

Better =/= good.

ugh. it’s like 2002 all over again with those lengthy calibrations in fps’s.

I mean, the last couple seasons were dragging a bit imo.

what’d they say that was so bad?

Can we just agree to smack zack snyder’s hand every time he tries to touch the dc universe now? i’m serious, i’ve had enough of his nonsensical bullshit.

and they were wrong to boot. hilarious.

That’s pretty insane that they wanted to write the episode about 9.

I actually spent the time that clip was playing watching the color of the progress bar change. that’s how boring this clip was.


this is the equivalent of bringing up fry’s dog.