Christine Q.

Why would you bring this up. WHY.

i dunno if it’s just me, but that resident evil poster reminds me of the hunger games somehow.

you’d be surprised what some cosplayers can do with cardboard and paint.

Amusing how even when they’re communicating they still don’t say anything. sure that chart looks like a big drop, however, you have no scale of measurement. that could simply be a 2% drop. It could be bigger, but yeah, nothing. and they do nothing to address the fact that it’s almost impossible to track pokemon, and

Get out.

except it’s not fun.

what I want to know is, what the fuck is it with kojima and whales these days? case in point

Of course they did, because hinging the success of an expo on one game by one of the biggest console/software manufacturers would’ve been suicide. Too bad they’re pretty much grasping at straws paltry line-up.

Jamie Parker doing his best bitter 10th Doctor pose.

Says the guy with Japanese inspired simpsons icon. Go home.

:shrugs: they killed megaman with 6 sequels it didn’t need. Then they buried it by firing the creator. Then he shit on the legacy with might no. 9 and they’re finally digging up the corpse and painting over torture marks with anime eyes. Fuck inafune, fuck capcom, and fuck megaman. You two greedy fucks have killed any

That was pretty fucked, but i’ll admit, i laughed. sorry.

There’s nothing better than pointing out the shortcomings of others

....Who didn’t see this coming? For all your hype, for all your wanting the movie to be a good adaptation, for all the cgi effects that you people argued hard that it would make a good film, of course you were wrong. I can’t believe I have to say I told you so again, but here we are. And we’ll be here again with

To the TOP!

XxPussySlayerxX will be re-taken at 2:00:02 on Wed.

I guess even marvel needs their own zack snyder. I the only one that did not find that funny?