Christine Q.

The batman parts are alright. Wow, the whole mrs. Clark “do good or don’t” speech kinda made me hate her. SJW’s be damned, I don’t care for wonder woman, at all. So the probably half hour of content she might have will be opportune times to go to the bathroom. Eisenberg as Luthor seems just like a fantastic mis-cast.

This is why you don’t goad hackers. I’m fucking surprised that people.... keep forgetting this. They Can fuck you over from far the fuck away. It’s like goddamn magic, jackasses.

Dammit I just got chills

:I it only took 30 years.

Read the headline, expected apps for some reason. Mildly disappointed.

There’s a challenge in Final Fantasy X (and an achievement Trophy in FFXHD)

If I wasn’t such a lazy ass, I’d cancel my facebook. But, considering I rarely use it anyway, the hell with it. Let the SJW’s have their fun with icons.

Everything in that damned sim is a fuckin’ nightmare.

with the disjointed g, it looks like looi.

Goddamn it, this is why we can’t have nice things.

So do we just start calling it ball busters now?

Til the prices drop like stones. Seriously, unless it’s something really REALLY special, lots of comic con stuff drops 20% below original price. sometimes more.

Something something something persona 4 kanji’s shadow form....

Actually, in Boo’s case, he was pulled out of Super Boo transforming him to kid Boo. Oob was just a reincarnation of the original (kid boo) confusing as hell I know, as for Bra, she wasn’t in Z, just GT. Pan was gohan’s little girl though who was like 4 at Z’s end.

Dbgt was scrubbed from the canon

:I Who are we supposed to read if you leave? Luke plunkett? Ew, no thanks.

Not my daughter and I’ve never been to Disney world but....yeah, let’s do this.

Yeah but family traditions are dead.

:I doesn’t matter, was time to lawyer up.

You do realize that unless he’s purposely buying beer and beverages for the caps you’re wrong. It’s amazing how hard you’re trying to defend this idea of yours.