Arms Akimbo

Statutory treble damages for copyright infringement? Much more than a few hundred. She also doesn’t want to give off the message that she settles instead of fighting.

Nope. In reality, you go through all your suggested steps in private - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. You file suit once the other side quits negotiating.

Don't associate me with Cruz!

No, most Texans do not have a boner to secede from the Union. Truly. Please visit here and ask some actual Texans about this if you don’t believe me. If you won’t do so, please stop generalizing about an entire state population.

The good news is that the governor has almost no power in Texas. Our state constitution grants almost all “executive” power to the lieutenant governor - the LG controls the state Senate down to appointing committee chairs, prioritizing bills/issues, allotting funds, etc. Also, the constitution provides that the


Check yourself before you Freck Yourself.

Before I read the whole article, which I’m sure I’ll adore, I had to comment that the header gif should be a wacky Hild design. I think all of my college friends painted their rented rooms bizarre colors because of Trading Spaces, only to curse the show later when we realized it took seven coats of industrial white

Without fail, I read “Kumail Nanjiani” as “Kathy Najimy”, read the comments, then scroll back up see if I did it AGAIN.

This whole thread reminds me of how wonderful my parents are and to call them tonight. And my partner’s parents are equally great. I’m so sorry you and your husband had to go through this.

I think a Hug Cam would be much more appropriate.

I have a very white second-cousin-something-removed (also born in Texas in the 1930s) named Whan.

Burning it would add more charges, no? If so, the media could’ve closed each story with something like “Newsome is charged with trespassing, aggravated trespassing, destruction of state property, aggravated destruction of state property, arson, aggravated arson, and wreckless endangerment” while showing clips of fire

I’m sorry that you are awful.

You are wonderful. Loved the book, hated that Gates McFadden missed a season of STNG to film the movie then be cut out.

Hold the phone, I love both Hootie and Mahler!

Great points to think about.

My partner’s an actor. We’re in a situation where my career lets him be more selective in what roles he takes, but he’s still very conscientious about what he decides to be affiliated with (and was before we were together). At the same time, he’s been in some things that he might rather forget because it was a job or

Many, many apologies if my comment came off as aggressive. I appreciate your point.

She’s one of the few actors in the world that can choose a role without heavily considering whether she needs to take it to keep the lights on. I don’t think she’s blameless here.