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    jar jar martin must needs to write upon his travels

    in other news, kanye west is kanye west

    his gimmick is that he's both very arrogant and very sensitive

    yea but not on purpose

    ima copy+paste this on the comments thread for austin powers 4 whenever that comes out and replace 'anchorman' with 'zoolander'

    great article A-

    dang kids with your emojicons and your skateboards

    cool so now standard cross dressing gags in smartphone games get their own articles

    "yay my desperately manufactured comeback story is paying off" - justin "the justin bieber of people" bieber

    ooaa! the sex boy has a new music disc! i will listen to sounds of sex boy when i am done gazing at sex boy's body parts

    lionel richie jacked all my bronze tablets and vellum

    a series can't just be weirdos shouting vague, mysterious nonsense and then dying.
    can it?

    yeah dying is a great career move


    st vincent tho

    adventure of dog boy

    2boy adventuredog


