
No it’s not, it’s like it was never there. Let’s be honest, before anyone should up and give a shit, let’s remember all the breathless lovey dovey reporting and commentary by “journalism” about how many sectors of the economy, and the people in them weren’t necessary. they pushed every narrative that encouraged the

how much more growth are these huge fat shalondas fixing to do?

I always thought thighs were the most under rated part of a chicken.

looks like a mustang.

good to see white folks doing it back to black folks. black folks been bring bullshit to white people spaces since you ended a sentence not with parole, but with a /

She’s not going to want it back after taylor swift writes a song about shoving it up her royal peculiar looking for that banana.

the grudens are much funner ryans.

It’s good news for the future of content from Deadspinners, but bad competitively for the place you currently work. I suppose if asked or forced to give a shit about your employer’s well being, you pay them some go team bullshit. but honestly, so what? soon enough most of you will be writing for them.

they need to bring out all those normal people from the chevy ads to a tarmac somewhere, and see what happens when they give it a go. tell them it’s the new Nova.

Not to be too contrarian about it, but isn’t this why old people respect traditions and things that somehow keep going on, even if they weren’t their faves at the time when it seemed like everything was about their own age? Most things go away over time. it’s the stuff that remains the same, huh? I think that’s why

has she written a song about how the banana betrayed her?

why couldn’t the bitch that capped that jeans bottom dude got this kid, all your ghetto shit is too disorganized. plus, i mean aren’t you snitching when you complain about jeans bottom? black people make no sense.

hey aeveryone Balls Gone McGary just heard about the black people and the racisms, like any neophyte he is concerned. Still you have to wonder why he thinks anyone should give a piss whore’s pussy cry what he thinks about it.

I think we should focus on 35 dollars for sake, three sake lunch, heh indeed.

Too Darnold to Spleen.

or maybe just black people doing their jobs shitty on purpose to fuck with white people.

if this is true the people who’ve desiged fully autonomous cars thus far are sadists.

Isn’t King the county the town fights with constantly and wishes would go away?

so kraft needs the good guy cred, belichick and brady for their part have reputations too. they are all supplying each other with cover like a big ole circle jerk.

these ball players are fucking assholes. I once saw someone tell a story about barry bonds berating a fat kid who’s little league team won a visit in the pirates clubhouse.