
so can their titslings pull back a rack or what?

i dunno, isn’t this place nothing but narcs now? I mean that is what we call the Pareene effect.

hey can we expose this government clerk?

weird as hell yesterday flashing back to how the end came for Terry Bradshaw, at one point a myna bird was brought in, this is comparably more dignified.

If you consider Brown’s escape to a team that doesn’t care about the allegations part of the story, then you can fuel the idea that they are legit and will become a concern.

this checks all of my boxes as far as retro rides, but add another 10k or so to the price to get er fixed up right. unless you have a hack for that, or can read manuals in the original german, CP

I have a feed for live cameras inside the women’s bathrooms at an NFL stadium. Whenever something happens you can tell by how the pee streams stop temporarily. If the game is on tv, that’s how I know to look up from my crossword puzzle.

on the other hand if drew brees supports the same organizations as tim tebow, shouldn’t he by all rights fuck off like the thing on his face? are you the thing on his face?

he’s one of those assholes that make coffee in tide pod pouches? fuck him. mark the ball where he should have gone down to avoid a fumble.

black people themselves are always pursuing a hateful agenda, to have an environment free of hate just means sending more blacks to prison.

it’s a good way to learn how to be less fragile.

they shouldn’t be. it’s time to stop censoring cultural history because people want to have a right to complain about something. stop being so fragile.

so did verne lundquist cockhammer your mothers or are the teblowers mysterious test tube babies?

Reid belongs on the Natonal Geographic channel.

Reid belongs on the Natonal Geographic channel.

I’d even exchange privates with little samantha kinison the chunk in the front row. right center in the picture.

that seems hard to believe, he’s a crazy old coot, he’s supposedly, according to him, taken many beatings, I bet his thoughts are far less organized.

this sounds like an issue with the be black, die philosophy.

as a subscriber to the be black, die philosophy, this all reeks of you believing white people are somehow obligated to do something for you, or give some special kind of shit about you and your ever expansive feelings. things you wouldn’t even expect from other black people. go be black in the ghetto and die.

i was queer in high school, and I knew it. But I wasn’t exclusively gay, and I knew it, but it was still such a thing, in a weird way even moreso to the people who wanted to think they were cool with it, or would be, but only a certain type of gay man at best. attempts to be authentic about it were abysmal failures. I