
let’s not forget, black women in general cause more shit than they ever get accused of, so whether they are targeted, more generally depends on the riddle of who started it. Now in targeted Nina Turner, in so many ways you have an exception to those rules.

well, I mean, he’s not wrong.

that’s one way to solve the CTE problem, get players no one will notice have it.

Kendall Jenner is a nice lady. If she didn’t have nasal confidence at that moment, it’s better to leave than literally be a snot nosed kid. if she needs an assistant to monitor her chronic rhinitis, then that’s just good self-care. she might be second married to Brad Pitt someday.

flutie patootey?

Thirteen seconds of baseball is also all that I remember from my junior prom. Now all I can do is slyly or serrupticiously ask my date to post pictures of herself from way back when to provide me with the context my life so desperately needs.

Whatever it takes to get McGary to change focus to the emerging minivan scene he so implicitly wants to represent.

dylan farrow is such a katty little bitch for someone who’s only living on his parents and their contacts.

that is how you know this is a scam, the woman who may or may not be correct about the parking issue has been cut out of the story just at the point where she may have something valid to contribute. when that happens it’s usually because somebody is bullshitting.

i want the perspective of the lady who alleged her spot had been swiped. this is all bullshit if that happens to be true.

why do they call it a hissy, shouldn’t it be called a hersy?

sube wrx sti let em know people like them come from all walks of life.

A populist frame is probably one of the least apt measures of Dan Snyder. He is in the town where populism is least loved by the most people with the most income, mostly derived from elitist endeavors and passed along to people who’s task is to ensure the survival of that elitism. He for all intents and purposes does

they’re good donuts, rebecca.

if only all the people concerned with mass shootings would pay more attention to their own red light districts.

you’re career and the careers of your tebow blowing bitchbros prove, being the lowest grade fratrat is what gets paid.

stick to sports. the only thing worse than little bitch bros twirling is making a video game of little bitch bros twirling.

so this sounds like an argument for a shorter wheel base, lift, 35 inch tires, and a helliphino hell cat crate engine.

when they realized how short he was to begin with, doctors became less concerned about whether Kevin Hart could recover.