
Go Man Go! NP.

yes because diversity to please people who don’t give a shit about your media show. let me edit mcgary for diversity sake.

so this is still how the shitbirds in the political elite see a large part of the country, it’s practically  fish out of water politics to the people minstrelcy

A lot of this seems to be Toyota going with the flow of the tuner market instead of resisting it. Resisting it, made the cars legendary and scarce, but it cost the company a fortune. Toyota is back, dangling the bait, trying to get those folks corraled under their oem stature.

Warren Beatty has asked you to bring your playbook.

what is interesting is that black people kill about 300 more white people than white people kill black people. if you just look at raw numbers, it almost works out to being even.

to be fair, most of Swift’s lyrics are rude tweets or grams her producer set to music he heard somewhere else.

How many Auburn fans have been swallowed? WAR.DAMN.EAGLE

if we are going to have crossovers why not make them interesting like this  would be if you made a new version.

Joe Theisman, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Football.

so that’s basically like a camry dent. it’ll buff out.

i always thought the best use for rear engine beetles was demolition derby. last surviving example gets put on a platform in front of the sort of dilapidated shopping center that always had a new car raffle going on back in the day. i think driving forward in a demolition derby just makes perfect sense.

it’s sort of like how Jezebel pissantry is the same as so many blogs and now podcasts! and none of them are good or interesting.

blowin cocks over lot 1

how do you know they are sugar pills?

you will not win mocking satin cashmere metallic.

I said I wasn’t going to joke because it probably didn’t happen to someone who deserves it, like G-Pal and people who read her, even ironically, but, to be fair second degree burns aren’t really a problem for sex, lance the blisters and she’ll be smooth as silk.

Someone needs to buy these used Maseratis i have been seeing around, who better than some bitch fresh of an Audi?

good. i don’t pay attention to movies starring black people.

the pinnacle of black people in america.