
there is no justice in stalking the woman, you made your own bed, declaring war on the police.

correct me if I am wrong but didn’t black people declare war on the police some time back? I think if you are acting like other races have it better, there is a tacit admission, and it should be made explicit, that you largely cause your own problems, and if getting tased is catching a break, there are probably

a classic example of love the game, not the player.

So fragile.

Corporate Average Fuel Economy and the trading of carve outs for specific car companies therein. A lot of this is on the table right now, and companies who feel they might be better positioned to do electric might hedge against loosening regulations. while others might feel they need to be on the side of “what global

I haven’t forgiven them for drafting Tebow in the first round. I know he’s your boy and all, but that’s who the Broncos are and ever will be.

it’s great marketing if Ferrari backs off. the dumbest move of all time if they are serious.

Willie Makett approved.

i read it, a little then went scantron mode, throughout that whole thing it doesn’t say anything about what he signed for.

that guy ain’t looking for trouble, he already has plenty. that’s what you think when you see a dude rocking the shit box. i was pulled up outfront my favorite convenience store. it’s my favorite because you can drive right up almost to the door like the old days. it’s very old fashiony in that way and i think

i have no problem with the supra, admittedly sight unseen, i think the z4 is the better version, maybe that holds true in the real world, maybe it doesn’t. this seems to be the new way to make more money in a low volume environment. the problem dealers have had is shrinking margins per car, oems too, that’s why they

all of this legitimately poses the proposition you will be able to get one at sticker at some point in the near future. it doesn’t seem like that is going to be true for another while yet. the list price is the point at which dealers and the oem start to dicker. I bet there will be considerable dickering  above the

this is a tiresome slog.

Bowtie ss 14k on the clock.. your area. or an m4 because m3s are for women.

if I am understanding, even if you tread light on the pedal and get it up to speed, any speed, this is always available. breaking exterior bits isn’t what ruined it, the car is basically undriveable. I mean can you imagine getting it up to 70mph in the middle lane then pounding the gas? yeah, they didn’t ruin anything

I admire the work you are doing here.

Lost cause, this site was lost to the toffs a long time ago. Hell the fat chick that made Jezebel unreadable appropriately started the new wave, where information, facts, stories, background, journalism, ethics, everything that speaks to relevance were tossed out for a cultural aesthetic. the cultural aesthetic rules

they keep trying make a fiero and failing.

I want one.

as a queer, and particularly a bisexual man, thank god it’s not our secret alliance screwing things up for you.