
that’s why he needs to oversign so many players. now if the nflcaa could just give him “faith healers” for guys he medicalled then because of transfers decided are healthy.

basically the clintonista democrats

I disagree. Afleck seems like the perfect Cory guy. I mean we know, Cory has some problematic corporate Dem connections and nothing says he is going to abandon them, ever, or really feels the hard part of the Dems finding their actual base in popular sentiment for class war and whatnot.

you overdid the butt hurt. your obvious jealousy of Corvette guys is causing you to make them out to be something they are not. Trust that most people who make cars a thing, like really a thing, are damaged in some way, by life, by feelings, etc. if you can’t control the world, or control others, you control your cars.

Florida man is a rather common sort, for all his trying, I mean this Bonaducci, Sheen, partying accidentally with jilted jumpoffs once intimate with eric prince associates level.

should this even be a crime? I mean I see where there are possibly slight breaches of etiquette legally, in the details, way deep in the details, but overall, i mean. what I am saying is, these people need a talk show.

wait wasn’t Pelosi just mad at the black girls for playing double dutch in that room with the weird accoustics?

stick to food, bro.

I am proud of everyone who didn’t discuss this until better facts emerged.

I grew up in Pittsburgh. We didn’t even have a name for the play, it was just the play and both teams ran it. We learn from an early age offensive football is about imposing your will on the defense. if the other team wasn’t bloodied and crying in Language Arts after recess, what difference does the score make?

I’ve never owned a volkswagen, so nice price.

Yes, unless the ump behind the plate is the crew chief. kidding, he could appeal his judgement to the third or first or even 2nd base ump, under the descretion of what they saw.

well, no. I mean if you have to whore pimp being black because you fundamentally lack all other skills at being interesting, I can see why you would want to define it as such, but it’s not reality. it’s what you need to be thought of as a writer. The reality is, black people are in and of themselves for reasons of

The movie gets way too much credit for the subject. Friendships by orientations that are supposed to be matched for fucking, on both sides, are like something straight people had never considered. the movie is like the guest or guests a family has to keep them from getting too deep on each other as they gather for the

Maybe they are just dunking on the malaise era for fun.

you might not hate the car, but you will hate the shitshow that comes from either the factory or dealers that comes with it. and whether it’s the factory or the dealers will be a debate that rages into it’s normative depriciation curve.

75k or so for the Mustang GT 500. I bet the price comes in low, maybe not that low, but dealers will be touch and go on mark ups beyond that, the factory only barely supplying them with lots of ways to fine dealers, thus spreading what they hope will be excess demand at that price point.

Well said. I struggled with it while it was still up, then went back and read it again, I am glad I did.

i was rooting for a mary-kate and ashley style turn from venus and serena, the new elvis movie could have all the magic of “New York Minute” plus black people who always make for lively in theater experiences you can’t get at home.

fishbin ein berliner?