Who will carry on the only tradition black people can manage, bullshitting whitey?
Who will carry on the only tradition black people can manage, bullshitting whitey?
I’d be cool with it like when they did the all chick starwars and ghost buster. but they have to knock the door all the way down. a lot of ugly black women performed the songs that were made famous amongst a different more mainstream audience by elvis.
but what about butter at the border?
if the reason we couldn’t get anything we wanted done last time, and none of the things the dems promised, was because the president was black, which is what we were told, them why would we want another black?
The platonic ideal in our culture is that she was asking for it, and he did it anyway. both problems are made better by early straightforward accusations. Women asserting their right to not commit to an accusation are doing other women no favors. Women have to come forward to solve anything. Also, making “believe all…
i’d hit it.
still ashame this place materially aides and abets stalkers and criminals. same as it is this bag of shit didn’t die in that little gokart accident.
actors, directors, producers, industry insiders are jealous. he previews all the coming attractions.
to be fair who hasn’t dropped a cherry off a roach. I am just saying there is no reason to panic dudes, and no way a dude would have such a reaction. by definition it wouldn’t be that much of a problem.
they have the same problem as jezebel, not enough girls pooping.
is it 8 pieces of fucking? or 11 pieces of fucking. isn’t it weird how everyone is sick of that song but no one knows the words? Seriously, hon. you’re kind of a piece of fucking yourself.
What if she’s only your teenage niece by marriage?
I may be the last person in town to not know about this, and I am ok with it. You can call it a hit piece if you want. But gambling is bad news. I don’t mean Kessel or anyone was on the verge of becoming Pete Rose, just that the more you play the more you are likely, expected, nearly certain to lose. You don’t want to…
like the chick in the Madewell ad, all you are getting is sloppy seconds. I mean the grille is impressive but this one has to put in time to be a survivor.
Shouldn’t there be a comma “ More Normal, All Star guard” you guys are getting as bad as barsports.
until you find out he’s from Nebraska, where he is wanted for........crimes.
a car silenced like the drums in the commercial.
the geo storm will never shake your love.
I predict this is finally the year some one shows them they can go faster if they go down hill.
this is nothing, I can’t wait for the discussion of making sure your soft top actually fits your car, with step by step instructions how to finally get a proper fitting soft top. the information that has been withheld for generations. cross their hearts.