
the geo storm will never shake your love.

I predict this is finally the year some one shows them they can go faster if they go down hill.

this is nothing, I can’t wait for the discussion of making sure your soft top actually fits your car, with step by step instructions how to finally get a proper fitting soft top. the information that has been withheld for generations. cross their hearts.

that’s unfortunate.

i disagree. black twitter is every bit the same, shaun king is a klansman. what makes blacks different is they haven’t gotten comfortable enough to call out the shit they do to each other and others.

i think a bus would be cool, but one of the older ones, like from the 50s 60s that were in use a lot in the 70s because shitty urban planning.

i don’t care how many people move to nyc to do work they could do from many places, which of course is the whole point of the medium in the first place, DeBlasio shows that we need checks and balances on the sort of community dimensia or mind addled decisions new yorkers are prone to what with Cuomo and Deblaso.

good for them.

i think it explains your complaints about some of the Dem hopefuls, but not others of the Dem hopefuls.

so msnbc is in the tank for Kamala Harris. This was kind of a cheap shot. And for the record I see Biden as the next wave of Obama/Clinton, that is to say not good enough. Harris is of course, as we can see, part of that heritage.

reasonable response to what has been a lot of black people crying wolf? or black people crying wolf again? perhaps learning from jewish organizations how to plant their own evidence to advance an agenda that sometimes stalls. it’s tough to find racism and blacks aren’t happy. think about that.

she does represent black america in the “no good deed goes unpunished” moral to the story.

he should have said. she should have been left back in the ghetto.

that might get you to a historic 30 percent of the vote.

Norway was considered a long shot back when camp began.

i saw something where that anthony bouffer dude killed himself again. this was one of his schticks, so i guess that’s why this is here.

well, in fairness if you are spending that kind of money on a car it better be for more than just a little more speed.  it’s not a choice I would make either.

or get the amg gtr and go faster.

yeah the H4 needs to happen.

i saw something worse in an episode of Speed Racer. Some guy who hated cars hacked all the cars and controlled them with his little robot thing. they are practically enabling the next guy.