
it’s no different than why some one who was harassed by black churchies goes bumping and blasting, or people who do a lot of things, i mean, i know you think you mean well, and you can’t possibly be projecting your own bigotry and exclusions, and all the ways you attacked others your entire life to make them feel

the attack has to be led by impeachment. I mean, going to the police would help any allegation. How do we know she wasn’t paid off? at this point is the president going to go after someone for breaking a confidentiality agreement? I think anyone who signed one can assume no. did she sign one? Like I said, going to the

sometimes you forget they are girls playing and it’s really just soccer.

Ohm is the Chakra of the Resistance.

I almost literally died of stress. A couple of times. But, I could tell the difference between thirteen minutes and ten minutes, and know when 8 minutes was, without looking at a clock.

the place was crawling with snitches, as to be expected.

sure fuck sports fans, let’s all watch girls soccer to show how evolved we are. then let’s pretend the team from africa is getting hosed by the team with white players to show how woke we are. that’s much much better.

1000 dollars an hour, with a 500 per hour bump if my ass is already achieved zen in the chair.

hey Kelsey, I hear you smuggle milkduds in your snatch.

your incessant need for attention led you to capitalize on making a cunt of yourself, but comedians and jokes are the problem?

since trucks are the future or at least unibody high riders, and who can forget standing arrow straight like a chevy truck or a rock,

So Cameroon is basically the Bengals.

that’s about it.

“I gave two pumps and it came out . . . It was pretty surreal. I have never done that before.”

Well, stress is amazing. I mean the things we can put ourselves through without realizing it, that we can never do alone.

I remember this movie as just being happy to see gay people in a movie, and not robin williams.

No matter what we get out of this, I know, we’ll never forget”-Funky Claude

Now playing

reminds me of Pete Rose and Bob Uecker. their busts somewhere having an argument or something, I don’t know.

I think the absence of the Swedish Bikini Team is a hole that cannot be replaced.

I think the show would have been better if she had grown tits like the Brady girls.