
hilarious. what a pussy, like mcgary, it’s nice seeing assholes get come uppanced.

once upon a time, Scout had really good content. I recall an era when real media, mad about some of their lesser ethical practices ended up accidentally boosting the level by using the joint as a place they could cape and lay off accumulated shit their employers in better regarded media didn’t give a shit about. they

there is a time and place for everything, it’s called college.

i made this joke in 92, probably after a gestational period of several years, it’s ok, I don’t want credit. I just want to announce that I do indeed know what the future holds.

you know, there always were rumors of there being other “Ultimate Warriors” why not have an open battle for the title of Ultimate warrior. runner up wins the less coveted but perhaps cooler, “penultimate warrior”

i do believe another holocaust is a porportional response to this.

Remember Juice went to prison over the memorabilia. that’s probably more of what he is pissed about than anything. i mean I am sure he did it, and compartmentalized it. so to him, it’s gone. I think him running commentary on the kardashian empire would be cool. see if he and kanye get get one going. i mean there is so

everyone is laughing because they probably forget the vagina, neglect the vagina, in their own hobbled hobbying. grow up people. she ain’t killed nobody, hurt nobody, sure she’s offended people, but that’s doing good work. sometimes.

first of all, all of these candidates are better than the one coastal broads helped win last time.

el capitan should be arrested.

who will be the first to “protect ya neck” him.

think how bad his songs would suck if he didn’t need the watch to help him

ok, people being morons is one thing. unfortunately an intractable problem. there is something less officious, people fall asleep at the wheel. I mean it happens even if they aren’t loaded. I think the reason this shit should be banned, I mean i am ok with some other country making it work, first, is because it leads

to be fair, black people do love to harass white people. so there is a basis for white people not trusting them.

giardiniera good.

Yoda to Boston. “Manual Ram, Here Is” last 1 ton to be sold in America

Camargueddon it.

C3 Corvette, udoubtedly tops the list. I mean if there was ever a great car body utterly wasted on malaise.

Frankly. Gorey crashes keep the Kei van bar low.