I can already tell this is a book that needs more boning.
I can already tell this is a book that needs more boning.
on the other hand if you want to have fun with your money, and you have some to burn, imagine the techs trying to piece together an old shitbox, from fancy learning on the 2.0turbo 4 for everyone, era. get the estimate in writting because it’s only going to get worse.
bigger is the only answer from a safety rating perspective. Let’s be honest the small pick up was dangerous as shit. it could tip over if it had any sort of pretense to off roadyness, and was basically a small car up front. that plus the least experienced drivers on the road could afford them basically new. they were…
Jezebel could name it after a couple of it’s writers.
the pitcher has to cover the plate when the catcher goes on a safari.
he’s and markos moulitsas are edging towards a singularity.
rich white straight men have power because rich white straight women are worse.
nakedly exploitative given she would not be particularly marketable, I mean you had to dig deep into hetero to want to bone her, like thirds at a frat party compared to her competition. I mean, I am a Sanders supporter so i feel what she’s saying, not sure this is the right place. The rich white straight man thing is…
Missouri 93 flood veteran when 10 miles on any side of the state capital smelled like angry women. You mean people do this for fun? I dunno I suppose if you set out to do it for fun it could be ok...I need some fun extreme experiences, that’s a whole other animal. I mean 24 hours of LeMons sounds fun, as does the…
you know what would be really good right now? a whole big bunch of college football.
first of all there is a movement, perhaps insurance statistics bear this out, to maybe try to keep it in the 400hp range.
why not hula hoops? is that phrase even correct any more? I think there are two motions to master. The ability to demonstrate mastery publically, and to have the receipts to show one’s work out history when not meeting “on pogo”. I am just saying this is like power bottom olympics.
real mustangs play chords.
she didn’t even give good head back then.
a couple few steps, but it was a slam dunk
he got juiced to death.
this feeds the destitute sports culture of the american north east corridor. people no one where sports actually come from, should give a shit about. football on every level sucks in the updike region, the Patriots the exception that proves the rule. taking players no one knows enough to hate from elsewhere and…
ebaum’s ointment. it’s time for the internet to create that which will last beyond the internet.
if you can only bat a ball finite distance in the air, that should be sufficient. I think a tweek that is more fun and more doable. just push the the 3 ft high, no more, all home run fences should be 30 inches ideally. but make it like 450 down the lines and 580 to center, again three feet walls so unobstructed but…
if you can advance this golf ball through this garden hose that would be great.