
I like these in theory, but not sure I would want one if I were actually choosing amongst the other options one might have.

it’s unfortunate, but his true crime is heterosexuality. Everything else is secondary or tertiary to the fact that he is very straight acting, presenting, being, doing. I cannot in my mind queer him for takeoff.

Now playing

from my favorite anti band playing anti genre music. this song was a tremendous leap forward that can be demonstrated by queuing up their ouvre in order.

that’s gonna be a no from me, dog.

Eaton ain’t cheating. Come to think of it, I think I do remember her banging strangers up against a wall.

spend decades telling them their opinions don’t matter.

it’s the george foreman grille, you put your meat, taters and whatevers into the basket in the front, instead of an all electric set up. it’s electric plus vegetable oil for when you need that extra power as you drive. you program your poultry or whatever into the smart cooker system, as you drive warm heat and

Now that ESPN is going to keep old white people happy, I demand the Cubs and Phillies play each other every day at 2 30 for 6 months of the year. I won’t watch em all but i will some, and when I watch that’s what I want to watch with my day beer. i will watch with my day beer more than I watch now so it’s a win for

there can be only one, unless you want to end up owning like 40 cars. it’s got to be a c3.

Causes on the left are no longer righteous enough for sports. Causes on the right haven’t been righteous enough, all of identity politics and the extreme ideology based viewpoint is bad for sports. People want a break from existential ideological struggle. People are sick of the bullshit.

altitude at benchmark vs altitude at CD?

what is that man smuggling in his pants?

given that when times are good for Dems, slop pussy like the slot never give a shit about people that don’t want their fuck, go get your het ass arrested.

5 boxes of chips ahoy and not a calorie will be lost, get off his back.


so being a jew in a jew’s business isn’t enough. right like it’s so exhausting making a cunt of yourself all the time. you were bred and naturally selected for 5000 years or more of evolution to complain about stuff. it’s who you are and if evolution is truly ongoing, your species will adapt or die on that basis as it

driven with extreme moderation and only chirping, it’s basic transportation, well sorted, useful, and there is some fun to be had that one day you just don’t give a shit anymore.

they would have to be to not roll on some of those turns. the technical master is keeping that many soviet cars in working order at once. dukes of hazard crew had nothing on them.

it’s damned if you do, eh whatever if you don’t. I mean there is coming to the realization your limitations in actual world driving are much greater than you think they are when you are just shopping around. first of all there’s the traffic, the parked cars, pedestrians, road design and maintenance, all sorts of

I die with every Blues victory, next to the Penguins winning it’s my hobby, seeing them not win cups.