
As a city, Atlanta has the worst combination of heat and humidity possible along with the sort of stagnant air that can keep you locked in it for a week. it’s a city that geographically and culturally is like what happens when you let your 15 year old cousin with down’s syndrome put together your pipe from pipe parts

sounds like a documentary.

they got a lot to work out. for grins i checked ticketbastard last week, they were claiming 200 bucks for see everything seats. which struck me as a bit high.

she ain’t special. this site should treat her no different that it treats HuHo’s dick or a big titted blonde at a college basketball game that happens to be on tv. make her life a living hell. or as much of it as it can be. she was born into advantages no person should have.

public parking, it’s the only way the Universe could get mixed use zoning. lots and lots of public parking.

if the first generation amigo was any tippier it would have come with lucite heels.

yes, take my money.

Next to a bone stock Bonneville SSE, it’s probably the best choice.

it’s some how both Rollsier and Royceier.

no turn signals, a hand gesture after the fact is not the same.

Is she the one that fucked tony romo?

Finally, an event where we are all on the same team. Rooting for injuries.

I don’t see this as incompatible with chronicle of the human spirit.

You don’t understand the fundamentals of hockey. Unlike other sports, the old man opinion has a vaunted place. Would Sid Crosby still be Sid Crosby without Wayne Gretzky bitching about wooden sticks? For the most part yes, but Wayne Gretsky bitching about how this isn’t how they used to do it, makes him even more Sid

the investigation was quite thorough. Here is jealousy speaking. Back then, Ben was treated fairly harshly. The league for it’s officiating purposes treated him like a mobile(black) QB as well. As things have changed, Ben is now white. He gets respect that Antonio Brown for reasons I leave up to you to discern does

please share the deets. I don’t know of any he actually done.

Maybe there is a reason the Patriots have white skill players.

Pretty standard, blaming the QB for being white. Couching being white as being oppressive. Bullshit, basically. AB is an asshole, this is to be expected.

so he’s only kicking him 50k? and pocketing 80? nah, bro. whomever has been riding him needs to get that 80g for mr ortiz.

that was the malaise era, 7 inches was a monster.