
so x6m is stupid, glc is stupid, U{te}rus is brilliant.

Buick screws the pooch here by not putting the 3.6 or a performance 3.0 turbo in it. if you really are going for that wagon seg, and you want them to shed that 70s image, and aren’t just really doing the same thing that dragged those beasts back down, you give it some contemporary power. those wagons never would have

it could happen, you would need to start by putting football people in charge of it, particularly rules. I mean it could work. there is a lot of football not in football. the triple option, the veer, things that work when the rules are less geared towards offense. if you had football people roll back the rules that

Kendall Jenner is a nice lady, she doesn’t deserve this.

the drift mode is what sells it.

a product of multiple bad environments, the cultural icon refused to give back the property of a hard working person. as a wealthy aristocrat of means there is literally no penalty even death that would be undeserving for stealing from the lowly working class. stealing with intention.

She is playing Trump. playing Trump’s game. Say something then have your people deny it. Now it’s basically assumed her and Trump did something that might be reason she might have gotten paid. Or not, letting the readers of stories like this assume or imagine what happened, or didn’t. Trump opened himself for it. She

oh c’mon talk about the tendency of these things to disappear of the lot, not the dealer lot, any lot anywhere. all that consistency is consistent with being stolen a whole damn lot.

Ok those of us who are intimidated by doing our own wrenching, and for purposes of discussion, lets act as if i am one of those schmos. you have parts costing about 70-145, how much labor if we go with 70h as a base. Most of us only do as much as we can relying on other people.

point of order, the car is a singular market segment, and it only takes one buyer to thus reset the market. As such I vote powerfully that I would, thus reset the market for this veeeeeehick-le at such price as noted.

also the performance numbers out of the factory on an iconic number like 454. i mean some kept them stock, i am sure, but there are kits, one part number, so apparently the idea that someone might use that engine as base material for a little wrench project and possibly ask it to work a little harder, confident that

but the chevy has edelbrock kits available that will boost it to 540/539 or 354/470. small trucks with big engines are fun.

what is the category for cars like the type S or a 760? or a drophead coupe or bentley cars that make you feel like you are in a very nice church.

to me the answer is obvious. if you are the designated driver, by choice. buy a lincoln, get the 400hp too, that’s a hot rod in terms of auto history, and then you giggle at commander coty like the dad joke you are. then you laugh because people who would never buy drive or perhaps be seen in a Lincoln sometimes

it’s hard to do this thing that requires you to be popular to be popular or even necessary, without capital. that said pittsburgh sports media is a strange kettel of fish. remember these are mainly the same folks, at least the ones at the top of the chain with newspaper eexperience who’ve lived a luxury life when they

popular opinion is white people are better by a 70-30 margin, contraindicate that, mother fucker.

netflix could be lowballing her, but the business case for doing so is small. what plays is that netflix is independent, they can do what they want. if they peceive that sharing of accounts, regardless of legality is eating into their profitability, and they perceive a lot of shared accounts amongst fans of monique,

ford ranger raptor. they are going to turbo out that 2.7 and it’s going to be awesome. all the other car guys are on it. yes you will have to wait a while, but that’s cool, you have a camry.

it’s hard to fathom that i used to buy the extra innings package, but as someone who grow up with baseball, but spent a lot of early life in pittsburgh and moved back as an adult after their brief run, and never became a local team fan...all i can say is the entire experience of rooting for a team year in and out was

well the all-time singular classic car song Maybelline branches into many categories, and my favorite personal genre, psychobilly is probably the best for obscure car songs that have function besides form. i think quality of car reference matters and status symbol fluff doesn’t cut it when so many go so much deeper.