
He threw it back, which is some all time sonning.

ok torch is shopping stuff to screw with us, there is no way in hell lambo put rear door handles on the fenders

this isn’t gonna make you feel any better now, and may be reason 21, but egan Lipslinker retired last week from her job giving head at the non-alcoholic dance hall and bookstore out in Beaver Falls. she hung the lips up for good and is moving to someplace tropical.

I don’t know if this is supposed to gross you out or not, I mean I always figured those sort of visceral reactions were reserved for things you somewhat think you can relate to.

Peace and love.

There obviously are a lot of well worn paths to a capitalist sexual intent. If that’s you that’s cool, If I swing by that way, i know where to find such practicioners.

Tell me all your thoughts on god, i’d really like to meet her.

fairly obvious the remnants of gawker media shouuld die, and it’s writers, editors and formr personalities along with it, not for what they were but for what they’ve become

no, expanding the playoffs is wrong. you go back to bowls you invite controversy, you dare teams in power conferences to set up games with teams that will prove in some future argumentt that they did the most. you make non-confeerence games matter. you make september football mean more, and you punish teams that think

i can’t start drinking until halftime, so here goes;

it’s time, Britney’s career needs to stop being about her amazing body. she’s at an age now where the hottest thing she could do is gain 15,20 lbs of cheese to rifle through on your way to paradise and declare herself the sexiest she has ever been.

can we change the title of the post to (hey fellas, hot pussy over here, prepare to be ghosted, not because of you or all your damage you bring to me, but because i want to be the one to do the do,and somewhere in that is a lesson on ghosting but i am not smart enough in my narrative too long hed writing voice to

i don’t give a fuck bout that. it sickens me that these cunts are going to profit again when they basically outlaw, the proven quality of proliterian vulgarity. these folks can’t compete with us. that’s how their train wrecked the first time, they lost to the regular guy. i can drop a mouthhug or a mudhorn you know,

its simple cunts like lietch and delaria et al only were as able to exploit others as others feared worse. without that fear, they are basically unemployable cunts with nothing to offer that is commerically unique enough to say in selective company much less publish. look at the balls gone margary goony shit he do

the worst hymen busted sass talking 9 year old girls in the world are Cardinal fans from the part of Illinois no one gives a fuck about. if they had balls or brains they would have been Cubs fans. or realized baseball sucked when everyone got mad because some brutes wanted to make shit tons of money hitting

terrible game to take outdoors. these kids have no contract to protect them

front wheel drive is great in certain situations, but one of them is not smooth driving in urban areas when traffic is relatively minimal. it makes start and stop driving a pain with all that momentum kicking you under yor seat and lurching the car for the stop after stop.

2012 old design a little funkier by honda standards, 60k on the clock, it’s doable and findable

whatever the theoretical impact on momentum, which wasn’t the stated impact of the crown, the tires lose contact because of how the roadway is built. what happens from there depends on a variety of factors.

this point would make much more sense if part of the point of his art was exactly that art could be replaced. he replaced art with repurposed popular images. in fact, it is perfect for a trumpster..