
this family is writing a lot into now instead of waiting for it to come. Maybe it’s motivational for them, to know they risk becoming one of the most hilarious flame outs in history. maybe it’s on that little edge they feel they need to be. it’s not wrong to criticize the decision process here. it wasn’t wrong to

i guess blackness is great until it has to account for black failure. you can’t cry racism if your blackness is intentionally meant to offend whites, not whites for perceiving your intent to offend. blackness should take responsibility rather than hide behind calling every reason blacks fail racism. because it’s not

I bet it’s one of those deals where he has to marry a blackk or someone does to keep that family on the dole. i mean the whole family is on the dole. they have more dole than south shore fruit stand. but like a typical darkie the same damned day they have her as getting engaged, she off fucking that guy from the

He’s a football player.

i am confused, can you call it rape if he writes a check later and you cash it? sounds like sex work, maybe odd and kinky but not rape per se, and not typical enough to be usable or interesting. unless you have a ghoulish fascination for someone involved.

fancy kristen is so nouveau, the only real way to keep up with the joneses is to make the jones wear the dumb hats and host big parties and take all the risks and whatnot. when you finally have it make, k, you will know that making others spend lavishly while you get by with this old thing is the one true statement.

got me the other day. in a rental at the joint down the road from the place that rents em. the saving grace to the whole affliction was that i only needed to top off 1.1 gallons which struck me as odd, even knowing a co-conspirator had donee her part and obeyed the fill up rule with conscientous vigor. but the truth

two rules and broad constitutional authority to apply them to the greatest extent of their range.

pouilley fuisse wine and rib roast. not together, that would be apalling.

there are other activities, booze shopping that which you don’t need will be christmas gifts. the reason is the hard core alcoholics treat wednesday night into saturday like a lions browns super bowl on new years eve of the 2000. they ain’t fucking with it for shit so they stock up the stuff you should be drinking the

the community of hacks always throws extra praise her way. that’s why, to torture them, i hope she has a public affair with wolf blitzer. i want all these people who act like i owe this bitch a living, to have to fawn over celeb couple beyowolf.

agree, they should stay up there.

people put a lot of sht in stuffing that does not belong. stuffing is a vry simple necessary dish, it holds all the flavor of the turkey that isnt in the turkey. it may be a place to savory if savory is not in your turkey. it belongs in the turkey mashed throw gravy on it side for a reason. it is not dressing you do

I bet none of these sexual abuse cases happened in team handball. America could dominate team handball.

1 african american history, yes i studied it, i know how it ends, with a dude who won’t pass the fucking joint until he takes his hit which he can’t do until he makes his point, ranging out of talking about the prophet and into aliens. i have started an emergency bowl in such circumstances and been temporarily called

he grabbed her crotch and she was frozen. he’s known to grab frozen seafood.


Louis CK made 52 million in the run up to this, after he pretty much acknowledged these acts to where it was as open as it could be, though not part of a narrative that is ultimately false and counterproductive.

tickled pinkie “bobby finger” will never again miss the line, “may all your christmasses be white”

A lot of turnover in this joint and much of it is for the bettr, with that said. Drew Maggotry. it’s time, it’s time.