
cops are quick to get up to speed on vibe and dildo crimes. it’s usually more about having the right motion(to supress, obvi) from there its about focusing and the right contact patch. jurisdiction matters

if you support reparation but not social democracy, the n word works just fine for you and it’s for everyone to judge you as such.

6cy honda accord i guess e class qualifies

i don’t think you can look at how black people have come to behave, and their utter failure to bring these concerns to obama, but to bore the rest of us when ever one of us is dumb enough to let one speak, and not realize it’s a word we need to stop straight black women from thinking they can steal endorsements from

isn’t the sandler effect something. hat is all the celebrities you want to shut the fuck up and ie already all fiind each other amd make endless pemutations of all the shit no one ever needed or wanted.

ain’t none of these bitches quittin to go wait tables by choice, so maybe they are only crying because people will reward them with attention.

truck stops need waitresses none of these hoes are as important as they think. tired of celbs thinking i exist to solve their problems

it’s celebrity shit, why twist yourself around over it..remember the drama in the nfl and nhl is a vacation from all this twattery

fuck her, make her realize she is a spoiled twat who will never leave hollywood no matter what and thus doesn’t have a choice, and therefore needs to toughen up.

so same rules for wild Demon encounters as bears. don’t run away in one direction, zig zag etc

fuck all that, i did all that urban combat shit when my idea of walking distance was a couple miles more than anyone else’s. that was cool in my 20s now my car is my purse and you better be close to available parking.

cunt don’t wanna work,, cunt don’t work.

there are so many people who ain’t the shit balls stuck to his ass hairs right now when it comes to the way they abused their media job to harass people. many of them have cunts, many of them make having a cunt the focal point of their careers in media. none of them want to try out a real job intead of doing media be

Balls Deep blew something? someone?

i love you slots

come for the wood, embrace the big backside.

i feel happier now that the story is really about gawker and jezebel.

ford flex

identity politics will fail the party of the oppressed in an age of growing economic inequality.. it’s really just a way to offset the butthurt on the left that the dems are as cash hungry whores as the gop. the gop uses identity because they get 72 percent of potential customers and leave the other side 28 the more

wait isn’t one of the big black things to complain about even though no one else who isn’t mad at her dad for being absent especially financially though she will insist at length its really emotionally cares, having at one time in history for a comparatively short and inefficient time, actually having been of use to