
Depends on the streamer, I can’t watch most but there are some who are actually down right entertaining. I watch pretty much only people playing Escape from Tarkov and some of them just keep a constant stream of funny comments and jokes going. Some are veterans whom I also support on youtube and patreon, so this just

It’s been 15 or so years since I was living in Germany and I STILL lust after Doner.

One of the many things I miss about living in Germany is Doner kebab. Those pictures made my mouth start watering. I have as of yet not been able to find it stateside, but I have found a few hole in the wall places that do a mean and correct gyro. Which is I think as close as I’m going to get. But nothing beats 2AM

Ha, I was born in ‘82 so this was from about 88 through the early 2000s (came back CONUS and lived here for a bit then back to Germany). When we moved to Ft. Hood in the early 90s I remember walking into the arcade at the killeen mall and just being blown away, I’d never seen so many cabinets in one place. Good

Army brat here, back in the 80s the food court (hard to call it that, it was so simple at the time) on Lee Barracks in Mainz had several arcade games, and they were the first ones I really remember playing (Rygar and many others) I was about six at the time. Over the years various on post bowling alleys and even a

Citation needed on that from across the border thing.

Training and practice make it so you can in fact effectively clear and deploy if you need to of course it’s also situational. Maybe not the best idea to try and clear leather with a gun pointed at your head, but it can be done. There are multiple schools of thought on open vs. concealed carry. Open carrying can make

Uhhh, instead of Ak47 try Bushmaster AR15, and no that’s not being pedantic it actually makes a difference in this instance. Especially in regards to the lawsuit the families of the victims attempted to push through on Bushmaster.

Dedicated servers + server browser on PC kthx.

Castlevania on the NES, bought it at the PX with the money I got for my good grades in 1988.

NRA requires cash monies to join, if someplace is auto enrolling folks and tacking the fee on there without telling them then they are shady as fuck. I’ve purchased firearms from many places, accessories and ammo too. I’ve never seen this.

Hello fellow liberal gun owner! I will join with you in telling the NRA to go pound sand. They’ve really doubled down on the jesus and fear mongering in the last few years, I’d rather give my money to the CMP or the NSSF or something similar. Most liberal gun owners I know will only join the NRA if it’s required to

Does this guy realize that Puerto Rico is part of the US and honestly really should just be a state at this point? Your friend has the patience of a saint.

This is a correct statement, there are plenty of gun shop folk who just want people interested in firearms and the safe handling thereof. In the dozens of different shops I’ve been in over the years I’ve only had maybe two experiences where I’ve just turned around and noped out of there, and those were both kind of

Not so much sadly, though if one were to say google the words liberal and gun and club all together one might find a place full of liberals, many of whom I might add will have recommendations based on your geographic area for places to learn and shoot and people to see. If one where to you know, do that. (this message

First, there are liberal run organizations that offer training and advice. We are out there, just do a bit of googling. Second you can actually order a firearm off of the internet and have it delivered to a licensed FFL who will then transfer it to you for a small fee. There are generally many places in an area able

Hi! The best way to long term defend the 2A is to ensure that it’s as inclusive as possible. Draw in the LGTBQ, the women, the minorities. Make them a part of it, and make the 2A a part of their culture. Responsible gun ownership should be exercised by all who can legally. I’d love to see more diversity at the range,

Hi! I’m armed and a liberal, heavily heavily armed. mmmm, guns. So with no due respect, shut the fuck up. You’re at like an 11, we need you at a 6. Stop giving the gun grabbers shit to complain about. All of this come take muh guns from my cold dead hands nonsense helps no one. Instead focus on root cause mitigation, Most of us understand the severe mental, fiscal and often legal hardships that entails. Despite what the blowhards on the internet have taught you to think. The vast majority of other concealed carriers I’ve talked really do not wish a motherfucker would, cause it would upend everything. I mean, yeah if I

I hate to tell you this but, it’s pretty mild in NoDak right now. True we’re getting hit with another blizzard tonight, and the interstates are closed from Dickinson all the way to Fargo, but at least it’s warmish. I’ve seen blinding driving snow in a 30+ mph wind where the temp is -30 before the windchill, and -60