
I’d like to see Bret Stephens be a woman on Twitter for two hours. 

I’d like to see Bret Stephens work two hours in a telephone customer service or tech support job and then come at me about how bedbug is such a terrible thing to be called. What a fucking snowflake he is.

‘you have already and repeatedly violated her consent’

Well, I always thought Kareem was the greatest, but my Dad says he doesn’t work hard enough on defense.

They’re going to continue with buisness as usual, because Israel has donated to the campaigns of politicians on both sides of the aisle, and they are an ally in the oil rich Middle East. So not only does openly supporting Israel allow the individual candidate to court a huge Jewish voter base, it also allows our

Every time an American politician places Israel as some sort of open, democratic beacon of light in a hostile Middle East, I have to laugh. It is an increasingly authoritarian state with ethnic and religious discrimination as state policy. 

This is a total non sequitur. “Women should be able to get drunk and not get sexually assaulted” does not imply “women should be able to get drunk and sexually assault people”.

Susan B. Anthony is turning in her grave... in order to get away from the gropey Katy Perry.

Looks like you need to have a serious sit-down with your daughter about Cancel Culture. It’s time.

Can we all take a minute to acknowledge trailblazer Katy Perry for bisexualizing sexual harrassment? Another civil rights milestone!

“i kissed a girl, she disliked it” probably wouldn’t have been as big a hit

You can masturbate to anything if you want to enough.

I’m just bummed she dyed her hair and lost weight. Porn or Hollywood, either way most women I am attracted to in entertainment just get blonder and skinnier until I am no longer interested. 

I think Bella Thorne is just Britta from Community come to life and made famous.

You can’t convince me Bella Thorne isn’t just the name of a Twilight character.

Pornhub became an arthouse film site so gradually, I hardly even noticed....

Whew. Was afraid I was being too subtle.

Always knew she had it in her.

Well obviously the first thing a rogue AI is going to do is figure out how to patch itself. 

I 100% believe he was killed or “allowed” to kill himself. But this shit doesn’t even make sense. Why would anybody with the impetus and ability to remove him from prison want him walking around alive somewhere? Just to show they can? Because Alan Dershowitz haz a sad?