

... who thinks Nazis are just fine.

Ah, yes, this soil is the sacred land of our ancestors, God’s chosen people, the persecuted children of Abraham that we must take back from those infidel Muslims.

Alternative name: Tel Afib

There's no actual buildings, just a sign, and they're already trying to presell units? This is definitely a Trump project. 

Oh yeah. “But he’s on our siiide!”

LOL, that respect queer space dude must have quite a lot of issues going out in San Francisco if he doesn’t wanna cross the threshold of GaySpaceTM :D

It’s a business ffs, not a support group.

I see now it's women's fault he's an asshole

no.  it was just a little nostalgic to see this guy still living his middle school dream.  “oh right it used to seem cool to act like a twat”.  But as it turns out he was just sad and actually not very good at the games he was playing.... like.. ANY of them

So you are pro-cameras-in-public-restrooms or am I missing your point?

Burnout or seeking attention from people to hear how much they like him and want him to stick around.

So that is illegal, and any adult should know that.

If there was one thing I would expect from a dude that calls himself “Dr. Disrespect” it would be him doing something like this.

Anybody that walks into a public restroom and films people without their consent heeds to be sent to jail. The fact that he caught children peeing is just fucking wrong, this should send his ass to prison.

Slightly off topic, anyone seen Tucker talking shit about the metric system yet? Fuck. Me.

The marketing genius of fascism is that it uses the language of economic justice while restricting its benefits only to “desirables”; capitalism in decay all over again. 

it’s much tougher to imagine them retreating from crony capitalism.

paleoconservatism making its comeback over the broken, shattered body of the neocons would be a lot funnier if the neoliberals weren’t looking at that and saying “gee, sure is a good thing MY skull can’t be caved in by the angry masses”

The level of hate this game receives is absolutely mind-boggling to me. SR:R pure-and-simple RPG. Folks have become too accustomed to action/FPS titles that have vague elements of customization through aesthetics, while "leveling up" your various stats that are more or less all achievable by the end of the game.