
Yes. This is what the department of defense should be spending on. If more of their obscenely huge budget was channeled into tracking down traffickers and helping victims of trafficking they could make a significant difference.

I'm naming firstborn Snowqueen's Icedragon Ryan.

I'm only halfway done reading this, but I need you to know that you are an American hero.

lol @ cons who pretend to love jews

So much this. Every time I see people on Fox News chastising Liberals for being 'anti-israel' or 'anti semites' I'm like: "So where the actual FUCK were you guys when my grandparents were being called filthy kikes and getting kicked out of schools/jobs because of their religion?"

That's patently untrue. Most of us in the Jewish community are very critical of Israeli policy when we don't like what is going on. There's a whole campaign right now about how Bibi doesn't speak for us. Now, there is something to be said when someone outright supports Hamas, or wants Israel to cease to exist. But I

Exactly. I have a few friends (and one crazy relative) who have fallen for this crap, too. As a Jew and as someone who considers herself pro-Israel, but firmly in the two-state solution/peace camp, I don't want these people trying to speak for me. My cousin says, "We should take any help we can get..." Yeah, they are

It is so HILARIOUS to me how much right-wingers suddenly love Israel.

It's always more than a little strange when you see people who claim to be pro-Jewish and pro-Israel describing Muslims as filthy and essentially sub-human. DOES THAT LANGUAGE NOT RING A FUCKING BELL?!?

What the fucking fuck do these people think they're doing dragging my religion and my people into this?! Get the fuck out of here with your insane Islamophobia masquerading as some sort of "support" for Jews and Israel — that's a disgusting lie and we want NO PART of it.

It always amuses me when racists trip over themselves to fawn over the Jews...until the next Jewish conspiracy comes down the pike.

It seems like if one is even slightly critical of any Israeli policy, people start throwing accusations of antisemitism. I tend not to bring up Israel to any of my Jewish friends because I am afraid of being called a bigot or antisemitic. You can be critical of a government and its policies and not be antisemitic.

As a Jew, fuck all these people. Fuck them right up their self-righteous, ignorant asses. With a hot fire poker. That has barbs on it. Twice. No, three times. At least.

Schlussel also calls the West Bank the "so-called West Bank" and thinks that "xenophobia" is a fear of late-90s super heroines.

the woman added. Ones about "illegal immigrants," however, embarrassed her. "My feelings have changed on that subject and I wold hate to unduly upset anyone," she said.